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The Market Access Project for the U.S. Market will provide you :

  • Preparation and implementation of "Market Access Projects" on the basis of target markets and sectors, in compatible with "The Export Strategic Plan" released by UFT.
  • Introducing analysis on the technical barriers faced by Turkish exporters in the world market, increasing the share of Turkish exports to the target markets, classification of the problems and opportunities in these markets,
  • Providing updated information on the target markets to Turkish exporters and monitoring their export performances in these markets,
  • Initiating detailed analysis mainly on trade policy measures (anti-dumping measures, subsidies and countervailing measures), informing Turkish exporters on the trade policy measures investigations, submitting Turkey's views on behalf of the Turkish Government in coordination with the relevant Turkish authorities throughout the investigations to which Turkey is party.

Debt Collecting Procedure in the U.S. (in Turkish) It is a debt collecting Procedure in the U.S. where you will be able to find all resources about the debt collecting procedure in Turkish.


General Remarks

Turkey, a member of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) since 1991, is also a member of various international political and economical organizations. The organizations include: the Council of Europe, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Black Sea Economic Co-operation Zone (BSEC), Economic Co-operation Organization (ECO), Southern-European Cooperative Initiative (SECI), Organization of Islamic Conference, the Islamic Development Bank, the Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Co-operation (COMCEC), the Islamic Centre for Development of Trade (ICDT) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Turkey was also granted candidate status by the EU in December 1999 and the Accession Partnership Agreement was fully approved by the EU Council in February 2001.

Laws and Requirements for exporting to Turkey

Starting on 01/02/2009, the Turkish customs will require an Export Registration Form for all imports. All companies planning to export their goods to Turkey are obligated to fill this form and have it approved first by the Turkish American Chamber of Commerce (TACCI) and then by the nearest Turkish Consulate. Please note that non-registered companies will not be allowed to pass through customs.

Here at TACCI we offer the Export Registration Form that needs to be filled. Please find the attached document.

Export Registration Form